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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

23 people involved in 2019 Hong Kong rioting around government buildings jailed for up to 50 months

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

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Hong Kong court has made the verdicts and sentenced 23 people to jail of up to 50 months as a result of their involvement in the rioting at Hong Kong government headquarters against a now withdrawn extradition law which escalated into a citywide pro-democracy movement in 2019.

On the 29th of September, 2019 protesters took to the streets of those who were mostly students. They used bottle bombs as weapons, roadblocks were situated strategically, and pavement bricks were removed and thrown towards barricaded Government offices.

On Thursday, (5th of October) Ernest Lin, the district judge gave out the prison terms to the 23 protesters. The “selfish and arrogant” acts of the protesters caused inconvenience and discomfort to other people in the area, the judge said.

Although there was no evidence to show there was an obvious organiser behind the demonstrations on the day, the unrest in 2019 “had a certain pattern,” the judge said. People gathered people under the guise of a peaceful protest which often descended into violence, he said.

“Although there was no record showing the financial cost of the incident, the biggest loss was not the public funding wasted on restoring vandalised facilities, but rather the social harmony and mutual trust in society and the cosmopolitan image of Hong Kong,” Judge said.

Most of the defendants were students. 21 of them were pleaded guilty to the rioting charge.

Lau Chun-him was handed an additional charge of assaulting police, while Keung Kai-wang was also accused of possessing an offensive weapon in public. Only Tang Ka-lok and Fan Yiu-kam were found guilty after trial in August.

Judge Lin made 4 years and 3 months in prison as the starting sentence for most defendants and applied different sentencing reductions.

Ma Wing-sze received the shortest jail term of 2 years and 4 months. Tang and Fan received heavier sentences. Tang was given 3 years and 10 months while Fan was handed 4 years and 2 months imprisonment.


香港法院作出判決,判處 23 人最高 50 個月監禁,原因是他們參與了香港政府總部針對現已撤回的《逃犯條例》的騷亂,這場騷亂在 2019 年升級為全市範圍的民主運動。

9月29日,2019年的抗議者走上街頭,其中大部分是學生。 抗議者使用瓶裝炸彈作為武器,策略性地設置路障,拆除人行道磚並將其扔向封鎖的政府辦公室。

週四(10 月 5 日),地方法官歐內斯特·林(Ernest Lin)對 23 名抗議者判處徒刑。 法官表示,抗議者的「自私和傲慢」行為給該地區其他人帶來不便和不適。

法官表示,儘管沒有證據表明當天的示威活動背後有明顯的組織者,但 2019 年的騷亂「有一定的模式」。 他說,人們以和平抗議為幌子聚集在一起,但往往演變成暴力。

法官說: “雖然沒有記錄顯示事件造成的經濟損失,但最大的損失不是浪費在修復被破壞設施上的公共資金,而是社會和諧、社會互信以及香港的國際化形象。”

大多數被告是學生。 其中21人承認犯有騷亂罪。

劉俊謙被追加襲警罪名,而姜啟宏則被控在公共場合持有攻擊性武器。 八月審訊後,只有鄧嘉樂和範耀錦被判有罪。


馬詠詩最短獲刑2年4個月。 唐、範被判較重刑罰。 唐被判處3年10個月,範被判處4年2個月有期徒刑。



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