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Hong Kong - Police have successfully arrested four non-Chinese men suspected of illegal immigration. When the incident occurred, the suspect, believed to have entered the country illegally, landed at Cape D'Aguilar and then boarded a bus bound for Shau Kei Wan.
After receiving the report, the police acted quickly and, accompanied by sniffer dogs, intercepted the suspect in the Shau Kei Wan area. The operation was carried out at the junction of Wang Lung Street and Po Man Street. Two men, one Bangladeshi and the other Pakistani, were immediately detained. Notably, their clothing appeared damp, suggesting they may be involved in illegal border crossings.
Law enforcement officers continued their efforts and subsequently arrested two more non-Chinese males in connection with the case. The investigation is ongoing and authorities are working to uncover more details about the incident and identify additional potential illegal immigrants.
The figures also reflect that in October alone, authorities intercepted 393 illegal immigrants, 364 of whom were non-Chinese, according to the Immigration Department. These figures are the highest for both categories so far this year, with increases of nearly 88% and 89.6% respectively compared to last month.
In addition, the Immigration Department received a total of 1,385 non-refoulement applications in the first 10 months of this year, an increase of approximately 33.6% compared with the same period last year. Customs stated that non-Chinese illegal immigrants mainly enter Hong Kong via waterways, while others enter Hong Kong via land. They emphasized their commitment to continuing joint anti-illegal immigration operations with local law enforcement agencies and strengthening intelligence exchanges with relevant mainland law enforcement agencies.
The department also revealed that in the first 10 months of this year, an average of nearly 1,500 anti-illegal labor actions were carried out each month, an increase of more than 10% from the monthly average in the previous two years. In the past three years, Customs has conducted more than 46,000 anti-illegal labor operations and arrested more than 3,000 illegal workers.
Under the Immigration Ordinance, "aiding or abetting illegal immigration", "illegal employment of foreign domestic helpers" or "employing illegal workers" are considered serious offences. Offenders are liable upon conviction to a maximum fine of HK$25,000 and imprisonment for three years, a fine of HK$50,000 and imprisonment for three years, or a fine of HK$500,000 and imprisonment for 10 years.
香港 - 警方成功逮捕四名涉嫌非法入境的非中国籍男子。 案发时,疑犯据信非法入境,在鹤咀下车,然后登上一辆开往筲箕湾的巴士。
警方接报后迅速行动,并在嗅探犬的陪同下,在筲箕湾一带将嫌疑人截获。 行动是在横龙街与宝文街交界处进行。 两名男子,一名孟加拉国人,另一名巴基斯坦人,立即被拘留。 值得注意的是,他们的衣服显得潮湿,表明他们可能参与了非法越境。
执法人员继续努力,随后又逮捕了两名与此案有关的非华裔男性。 调查仍在进行中,当局正在努力揭露有关该事件的更多细节,并确定更多潜在的非法移民。
据移民局称,这些数字还反映出,仅 10 月份,当局就截获了 393 名非法移民,其中 364 名非华人。 这些数字是今年迄今为止这两个类别的最高值,与上个月相比分别增长了近88%和89.6%。 此外,入境处今年首10个月共收到1,385宗不驱回申请,较去年同期增加约33.6%。
海关表示,非中国籍非法入境者主要经水路进入香港,另有部分经陆路进入香港。 他们强调将继续与当地执法机构联合打击非法移民行动,并加强与内地相关执法机构的情报交流。
该部门还透露,今年前10个月,每月平均开展反非法劳工行动近1500起,比前两年月均增幅超过10%。 过去三年,海关共进行超过46,000次反非法劳工行动,拘捕逾3,000名非法劳工。
根据《入境条例》,“协助或教唆非法入境”、“非法雇用外籍家庭佣工”或“雇用非法劳工”均被视为严重罪行。 违例者一经定罪,最高可被罚款港币 25,000 元及监禁三年、罚款港币 50,000 元及监禁三年,或罚款港币 500,000 元及监禁 10 年。