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Hong Kong authorities have ordered the culling of more than 900 pigs after detecting the presence of the deadly African swine fever (ASF) in animals at a licensed farm in the New Territories district.
The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said 19 of 30 pigs tested had swine fever and that transportation of pigs from the farm had been immediately suspended. The culling will start early next week, it said.
"AFCD staff has arranged to inspect the other eight pig farms within three kilometres (two miles) of the index farm and will collect samples for ASF testing," it said in a statement.
"Pork cooked thoroughly is safe for consumption. Members of the public do not need to be concerned."
Though often fatal to pigs and with no vaccine available, ASF does not affect humans, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation.
香港爆發豬流感 900頭豬將屠宰 - 香港當局
漁農自然照護署(漁護署)表示,檢測的30頭豬中有19頭感染豬瘟,農場立即暫停豬隻的運輸。 據稱,撲殺工作將於下週初開始。