A roadside cleaner was knocked down unconscious by a moving truck this morning around 9 a.m. at Consort Rise in Pok Fu Lam when she was cleaning up the fallen dried leaves by the side of the road.
The 66-year-old woman suffered multiple injuries and was unconscious before the paramedic came to rush her to Queen Mary Hospital. A trail of blood was left on the road where the incident happened with a blood-stained surgical mask and cleaning tools remaining at the scene, the source said.
"The woman was hit by the truck that was trying to make a turn onto Consort Rise from Victoria Road", the source said. This road section is normally restricted to every vehicle conveying goods with a weight of over 5.5 tonnes.
The incident is still under further investigation with the help of the truck driver but police suspected that the accident might happened as a result of the driver's negligence of ignoring the traffic signs.
這名 66 歲的女子多處受傷,在醫護人員趕來將她送往瑪麗醫院前昏迷不醒。 事發馬路上留有血跡,現場還留有血跡斑斑的外科口罩和清潔工具,
“這名女子被試圖從維多利亞路轉入 Consort Rise 的卡車撞到,”消息人士說。 該路段通常僅限於每輛運輸重量超過 5.5 噸的貨物的車輛通行。