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A fire that broke out at a Hong Kong public housing estate has killed one resident while six were left injured

Police said that at around 7:20 am on Wednesday, they received a call about a blaze at Kwai Tung House at Tung Tau Estate in Wong Tai Sin with a report of sounds of explosions from the burning apartment.
Firefighters arrived and broke into the apartment where a woman and her two daughters 12 and 16 years old respectively were found and a charred body. The mother and one of her older daughters sustained injuries on their heads and hands but the young one did not.
They were sent to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Jordan for treatment, police said.
Police said there were three other women aged between 22 and 60 reported feeling unwell after inhaling heavy smoke.
About 10 residents self-evacuated from the building. The fire was extinguished at around 8 am.
In a media briefing, the acting chief inspector of operations for the Wong Tai Sin police district, Kwok Chung-hei, said a man was found dead in the affected unit and they are still identifying him.
Police suspect that a man used a knife to attack a 49-year-old woman and her daughter, 16, in the flat, Kwok said, adding that the woman and her two daughters escaped from the unit before the fire broke out.
He said a family dispute is believed to be the cause of the incident.
"Police will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the fire and how the injuries were sustained. It is important to note that this is an isolated incident, likely resulting from a family dispute," he added.
Police said it was still investigating the cause of the blaze.
香港一公共房屋單位失火 造成一人死亡六人受傷
消防員趕到並闖入公寓,發現一名婦女及其兩個分別為 12 歲和 16 歲的女兒以及一具燒焦的屍體。 母親和她的一名大女兒的頭部和手部受傷,但小女兒沒有受傷。
警方稱,另外三名年齡在 22 歲至 60 歲之間的女性報告稱,吸入濃煙後感到不適。
約10名居民從大樓自行撤離。 上午8點左右,火勢被撲滅。
郭說,警方懷疑一名男子在公寓內用刀襲擊了一名 49 歲的婦女和她 16 歲的女兒,並補充說,該婦女和她的兩個女兒在火災發生前逃離了公寓。
他補充說:“ 警方將進行調查,以確定起火原因以及受傷情況。值得注意的是,這是一起孤立事件,很可能是由家庭糾紛造成的。”