A teenage boy jumped to his death from the building in Kai Lok House, Kai Yop Estate at around 9:00 am today.
The boy landed in the open space opposite the building and was certified dead at the scene on the paramedic's arrival. He was wearing a school uniform when the incident happened, the local news source said.
Police covered the body with a white cloth and a tent for investigation and got a suicide note at the scene.
Meanwhile, when the boy's father came to the scene to identify the body, he couldn't hide his grief. He said, "Boy, I never forced you." This made everyone around feel so sad.
The cause of the incident is under investigation.
If you have suicidal thoughts, or you know someone who is, help is available. For Hong Kong, dial +852 2896 0000 for The Samaritans or +852 2382 0000 for Suicide Prevention Services. In the US, call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or +1 800 273 8255.
男孩降落在大樓對面的空地上,急救人員趕到後證實他當場死亡。 當地新聞消息人士稱,事件發生時他穿著校服。
與此同時,當男孩的父親來到現場辨認屍體時,他難掩悲痛。 他說: “孩子,我從來沒有強迫過你。” 這讓周圍的人都感到無比的難過。
如果您有自殺念頭,或者您認識有自殺念頭的人,可以尋求幫助。 對於香港,請撥打 +852 2896 0000 聯繫撒瑪利亞人,或撥打 +852 2382 0000 聯繫預防自殺服務。 在美國,請撥打 988 自殺和危機生命熱線:988 或 +1 800 273 8255。