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Baltimore police confirmed Tuesday that a shooting at Morgan State University in Maryland involved multiple victims. Authorities urged people to seek shelter and avoid the area and launched an investigation into the reported shooting.

The specific details of the incident are still under investigation and police are actively gathering more information. They gave no specific details on the number of victims or the extent of injuries sustained in the shooting.
Morgan State University issued an alert in response to the ongoing investigation, urging everyone to stay away from Thurgood Marshall Hall and the Murphy Fine Arts Center, where the incident is believed to have occurred. They advised students and teachers to shelter in place until further notice.
Currently, the university has not issued an official statement on the incident. Requests for comment have not been answered, and it has not been confirmed whether the university itself was directly involved in the shooting.
According to Baltimore police, the shooting occurred in the 1700 block of Argonne Avenue, which an online map appears to be on campus.
Morgan State University is considered one of the most diverse historically black colleges and universities in the United States and the largest of its kind in Maryland. With approximately 9,100 students enrolled last fall semester, the university plays an important role in education.
The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is assisting in the investigation by working with Baltimore police to ensure a thorough investigation of the incident.
巴尔的摩警方周二证实,马里兰州摩根州立大学发生枪击事件,涉及多名受害者。 当局敦促人们寻求庇护并避开该地区,并对报道的枪击事件展开调查。
事件具体细节仍在调查中,警方正在积极收集更多信息。 他们没有透露枪击事件中受害者人数或受伤程度的具体细节。
摩根州立大学针对正在进行的调查发出警报,敦促所有人远离据信发生事件的瑟古德·马歇尔大厅和墨菲美术中心。 他们建议学生和教师就地避难,直至另行通知。
目前,该大学尚未就该事件发表官方声明。 置评请求尚未得到答复,也尚未证实该大学本身是否直接参与了枪击事件。
据巴尔的摩警方称,枪击事件发生在阿贡大道 1700 号街区,在线地图显示该街区位于校园内。
摩根州立大学被认为是美国历史上最多元化的黑人学院和大学之一,也是马里兰州同类大学中规模最大的。 去年秋季学期,该大学约有 9,100 名学生入学,在教育领域发挥着重要作用。
联邦酒精、烟草、枪械和爆炸物局 (ATF) 正在与巴尔的摩警方合作,协助调查,以确保对事件进行彻底调查。