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Bangladesh’s Prime Minister resigns and runs away after the country's unrest

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns, interim government to be formed.

Bangladesh Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina has resigned, and the army will oversee the formation of an interim government, the country’s army chief said in a statement to the nation.

Ms. Hasina, 76, has ruled Bangladesh since 2009. She was forced out by weeks of protests that began peacefully and then transformed into deadly clashes with security forces. The army chief, Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman, said he had consulted the country’s political parties and civil society before making his announcement.

The student-led protests grew into a broader movement seeking the removal of Ms. Hasina, who was seen as an increasingly authoritarian leader. On Sunday, the deadliest day of the protests, almost 100 people were reported killed in clashes between security forces and demonstrators across Bangladesh.

Ms Hasina, one of the world’s longest-ruling female leaders, had blamed the violence on her political opponents and called for “resisting anarchists with iron hands.”



76 歲的哈西娜自 2009 年以來一直統治孟加拉。 陸軍參謀長瓦克烏茲扎曼將軍表示,他在宣布這一消息之前已諮詢了該國政黨和民間社會的意見。

學生領導的抗議活動發展成為一場更廣泛的運動,要求哈西娜女士下台,她被視為日益獨裁的領導人。  週日是抗議活動中死亡人數最多的一天,據報道,孟加拉國各地安全部隊與示威者之間的衝突造成近 100 人死亡。


Source: NYT



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