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China to commence military drills in Taiwan Strait following president Tsai U.S trip

Writer's picture: AfriHKa AfriHKa

China’s military will carry out drills for some days off its coast near Taiwan, the government announced, after president Tsai concluded a visit to the US where she met America’s third-ranking official.

These military exercises are set to run from 8am to 12pm Saturday local time off the eastern coast of Fuzhou, the capital of the mainland’s Fujian province and opposite Taiwan, according to a notice from the Fujian maritime safety administration on Friday. The exercises will continue at the same hours next Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday as well as April 17 and 20, said the administrator, with signs for all ships to refrain from entering the waterway.

Live firing will also take place in another area off the coast of Pingtan county of Fujian from 7am to 8pm next Monday.

Without mentioning President Tsai Ing-wen’s travels, the announcement came just a few hours after the Taiwanese leader returned home on Friday from a 10-day tour to Central America that included stopovers in New York and Los Angeles.

She met US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and a bipartisan group of 17 other American lawmakers on Wednesday during her California trip.



根據福建省海事局週五發布的通知,這些軍事演習定於當地時間週六上午 8 點至下午 12 點在大陸福建省省會福州東部沿海進行,與台灣相對。 管理人員說,演習將在下週二、週四和周六以及 4 月 17 日和 20 日的同一時間繼續進行,所有船隻都有禁止進入航道的標誌。

下週一早上 7 點至晚上 8 點,福建平潭縣沿海的另一個地區也將進行實彈射擊。

台灣領導人周五結束為期 10 天的中美洲之行,其中包括在紐約和洛杉磯中途停留,回國後幾個小時就宣布了這一消息,但並未提及蔡英文總統的旅行。

週三,在加州之行期間,她會見了美國眾議院議長凱文麥卡錫和其他 17 名美國立法者組成的兩黨小組。


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