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Writer's pictureAfriHKa

Filipino domestic helper jailed and ordered to redeem stolen jewelry

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A Filipino helper was sentenced today to four months in prison for stealing 11 pieces of jewelry and must pay $17,650 by January 31 to retrieve them from three pawn shops.

Geneva Tayong, 30, earlier admitted in the Eastern District Court to stealing seven bracelets and four pendants over several days in September last year.

Tayong was charged after her employer, Ng Suet-hung, discovered jewelery receipts from three pawnshops in Central at her apartment in Rhine Court, Bonham Road, Mid-Levels.

Tayong, who has been working for his employer since December 2019, was initially sentenced to six months in prison by Chief Magistrate Ivy Chui for breaching the Theft Ordinance. As a result of her guilty plea, Judge Choi reduced the sentence by one-third.

Her lawyer said the stolen jewelry was not lost because the pawnshop had confirmed they were holding on to the jewelry until they repaid the loan they had made, hence the repayment issue.

This prompted Judge Choi to add the cost of recovering the jewelry to Tayong's punishment.

But with questions over whether she will be allowed to stay in Hong Kong after serving her sentence and her ability to pay.


今天,一名菲律宾女佣因盗窃 11 件珠宝而被判处四个月监禁,必须在 1 月 31 日之前支付 17,650 美元才能从三个当铺取回这些珠宝。

30 岁的日内瓦·塔勇 (Geneva Tayong) 早些时候在东区法院承认,去年 9 月的几天内盗窃了 7 个手镯和 4 个吊坠。


Tayong自2019年12月起为其雇主工作,最初因违反盗窃条例而被首席裁判官Ivy Chui判处六个月监禁。 由于她认罪,崔法官将刑期减少了三分之一。





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