Rescue team's operation at work rescuing the victims of landslides at Maco town in the province of Davao de Oro. Photo: Philippine Army's 60th Infantry "Mediator" Battalion/AFP
The landslide happened on Tuesday night outside a gold mining site in the town of Maco in the province of Davao de Oro, Philippines burying homes, including three buses and a jeep that were supposed to ferry employees of the mining company.
However, the rescue operations that followed had been forced to stop on Saturday after the region was hit by another disaster of a strong earthquake.
According to the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), a magnitude 5.6 quake struck the region at 11:22 a.m. (0322 GMT).
The quake was 10 kilometres (6 miles) deep, GFZ added.
The Philippine seismology agency recorded a different reading, saying it was a magnitude 5.9 earthquake with a depth of 27 km (16.8 miles).
There were no immediate reports of any injuries or damages from the earthquake.
The Philippine agency has cautioned about aftershocks.
Some 28 people were killed on Tuesday when the gold-mining village of Masara in the province of Davao de Oro was hit by a massive landslide. Hundreds of rescuers had been searching for at least 77 people who were missing when the earthquake struck on Saturday.
"We ordered them [rescuers] to go up to a safer area," Apex Mines official Ferdinand Doble told reporters on Saturday.
Rains have lashed Davao de Oro in recent weeks, triggering floods and landslides.
The epicentre of the earthquake was around 150 kilometres north of the landslide site.
A three-year-old girl was found alive by rescue workers on Friday after being buried under the rubble for nearly 60 hours.
"We're still hoping to save more people even after four days," Davao de Oro provincial disaster chief Randy Loy said at a media briefing.
據德國地球科學研究中心 (GFZ) 稱,該地區於上午 11 點 22 分(格林威治標準時間 0322)發生了 5.6 級地震。
GFZ 補充說,地震深度為 10 公里(6 英里)。
菲律賓地震機構記錄了不同的讀數,稱這是一場 5.9 級地震,深度為 27 公里(16.8 英里)。
週二,達沃德奧羅省馬薩拉金礦村遭遇大規模山體滑坡,造成約 28 人死亡。 週六地震發生時,數百名救援人員一直在尋找至少 77 名失蹤人口。
「我們命令他們[救援人員]前往更安全的地區,」Apex Mines 官員費迪南德·多布爾 (Ferdinand Doble) 週六告訴記者。
地震震央位於土石流現場以北約 150 公里處。
週五,一名三歲女孩被埋在廢墟下近 60 小
達沃德奧羅省救災負責人 蘭迪·洛伊在媒體吹風會上 說: “即使四天后,我們仍然希望能夠拯救更多的人。”