A recent trip to Macau turned problematic for a 29-year-old Filipina, Marjorie Villegas, after she was arrested at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge. Customs officers discovered pills in her luggage that contained sildenafil, commonly known as Viagra, which is classified under Hong Kong's Poisons List.

Marjorie appeared in West Kowloon court today, facing charges of possession of the substance in violation of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance. She was granted release on a cash bail of $4,000 by Principal Magistrate Ivy Chui, with her case adjourned to November 11.
According to a charge filed by the Customs and Excise Department on September 20, officers found 100 sildenafil tablets packed in ten foil packs during their inspection. Sildenafil is primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction in men and is strictly regulated in Hong Kong, where possession without authorization can lead to hefty fines—up to $100,000—and potential imprisonment of up to two years.
一名29歲的菲律賓女性瑪喬莉·維萊加斯(Marjorie Villegas)在前往澳門的旅程中遇到了麻煩,因為她在港珠澳大橋的行李檢查中被海關人員發現攜帶了含有西地那非(sildenafil)的藥丸,該物質通常被稱為威而鋼(Viagra),並列入香港的毒藥名單。
瑪喬莉今天在西九龍法院出庭,面臨違反藥劑及毒藥條例的持有指控。首席裁判官蔡艾薇(Ivy Chui)批准她以4,000元現金保釋,案件將延至11月11日再審。