Hong Kong is experiencing heavy rainfall again, and the Hong Kong Observatory issued a red rainstorm warning signal at 8:40 pm yesterday. The northeastern New Territories are particularly affected by the continuous heavy rain.

Warning signals have been issued in the past few hours, with about 70 millimeters of rain recorded in Sai Kung, Sha Tin and Tai Po, and more than 100 millimeters of rain recorded in Ma On Shan. Affected by this, many areas such as Sai Kung and Ma On Shan were severely flooded, and serious mudslides occurred along Po Lo Che Road in Sai Kung.
The red rainstorm caused roads in Sai Kung to be flooded, especially near the Sai Kung Lion Nature Education Center.
Starting around 8pm, flooding accidents occurred in Sai Kung and Ma On Shan. In Ma On Shan, the police received a report from a bus driver at 8:34 p.m. that the water level near Sai Sha Road was as high as "half the height of the bus."
In Sai Kung, netizens uploaded photos and videos to social media platforms, showing flooding along Sai Kung Road near Tai Chung Hau Village, with buses splashing as they passed by. Flooding was also reported near the Lion Nature Education Center on Sai Kung Road. At 9 p.m., the police received a notification that a mudslide occurred on Po Lo Che Road in Sai Kung, blocking a section of 10 meters by 10 meters, requiring the intervention of relevant departments.
In addition, flooding occurred on the Sha Tau Kok road at around 9 p.m., causing serious traffic congestion in the direction of Sha Tau Kok towards Ma Tseuk Leng.
红色暴雨袭来 马鞍山及西贡出现水浸
香港再次遭遇强降雨,香港天文台于昨天晚上8时40分发出红色暴雨警告信号。 新界东北部受持续大雨影响尤为严重。
过去数小时已发出警告信号,西贡、沙田及大埔录得约70毫米雨量,马鞍山录得超过100毫米雨量。 受此影响,西贡、马鞍山等多处地区严重水浸,西贡布螺輋路沿线更发生严重泥石流。
晚上八时左右开始,西贡及马鞍山多地发生水浸事故。 在马鞍山,警方于晚上8时34分接到一名巴士司机的报案。 西沙路附近的水位高达“公交车的一半高度”。
在西贡,网友将照片和视频上传至社交媒体平台,显示西贡道近大涌口村一带发生水浸,巴士经过时溅起水花。 西贡道狮子自然教育中心附近亦有水浸报告。 晚上9时,警方接到通知,西贡布螺輋路发生泥石流,封锁一段10米乘10米的路段,需要相关部门介入。