A-56-year-old off-duty police officer was spotted by two on-duty officers stationed at the junction of Carnarvon and Hanoi Road in Tsim Sha Shui while stealing a phone from a woman who got unconscious as a result of over-drinking on the street and he was accused by them immediately.
The incident that happened in the early hours of Saturday was investigated on Monday by the force. The officer who the sources said living in Chan Wai Police Married Quarters has been suspended from duty and arrested. The case was handed to the Yau Tsim District crime squad for further investigation.
The force reiterates that it affirmed
the great importance of police staff integrity and does not tolerate any officer that goes against the law.
一名56歲休班警員在尖沙水加拿芬道與河內道交界處,偷竊一名醉酒女子的手機,被兩名當值警員發現 在街上,他立即被他們指控。
警方於週一對發生在周六凌晨的事件進行了調查。 消息人士稱即將離開陳圍已婚警察宿舍的上述人員已被停職並被捕。 案件交由油尖區重案組作進一步調查。