Hong Kong police reported on Thursday that they are looking into a murder-suicide case that involved an 85-year-old woman and a 66-year-old man. They said the cause of their death is not 100 per cent ascertained if it was due to a long-established noise dispute in which both lodged almost 10 complaints at the police station.
The police's preliminary investigation found that the alleged attacker hacked her neighbour, Tam Fung-oi who lived on the 15th floor of Ching Yuk House at Tsz Ching Estate in Tsz Wan Shan to death with an axe.
The woman was found in her pool of blood on the same floor corridor, taken to Kwong Wah Hospital in Yau Ma Tei and she was pronounced dead.
During the police investigation of her killer. The officers discovered that the victim had complaints to the security guard in the building earlier that her neighbour, Chow Yuen-cheong was causing a nuisance. The information guided them to the man's unit on the 14th floor but he was found hanging himself from a cable after the police broke into his locked flat.
A police spokesperson said we were currently unable to confirm with 100 per cent certainty that the two deaths were related to the noise complaints.
"We have reason to believe that the death of the woman is connected to the man, his suicide and the seized axe,” he said.
Police have classified the incident as a murder and suicide. Detectives from Wong Tai Sin district crime squad are following up on the case.

香港警方周四報告稱,他們正在調查一起謀殺自殺案件,涉及一名 85 歲女子和一名 66 歲男子。 他們表示,目前還不能百分百確定死因,是否是因為長期存在的噪音糾紛,兩人向警察局提出了近 10 次投訴。
在警方調查殺害她的兇手期間。 警方發現,受害人早前曾向大廈保安投訴鄰居周遠昌滋擾。 根據信息,他們找到了該男子位於 14 樓的公寓,但在警察闖入他上鎖的公寓後,發現他在一根電纜上吊自殺。
警方已將此事件列為謀殺加自殺案。 黃大仙警區重案組探員正跟進案件。