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Hong Kong police have arrested at the weekend a man who took part in a burglary and murder 30 years ago in the city.
The force said the arrested 59-year-old man arrived from Shenzhen mainland China as a visitor for his uncle's burial, had been charged with murder and attempted robbery and appearing in Kowloon City Court today.
The attempted robbery was said to have taken place on the 9th of June, 1991 and involved three men armed with a pistol and hammer robbing the Shun Fat Company second-hand watch shop on Pei Ho Street, police said.
The gun was fired at one of the company's staff during the robbery which later died in the hospital. The three robbers eventually fled the shop empty-handed and drove off with a car after failing to break a targeted glass display cabinet, police said.
They were said to have left the car behind and took to their heels after the car was caught up in the traffic congestion while escaping. Unluckily, one of them who got injured left the blood-stained T-shirt in the car, a report from the police added.
After the police investigation, they said the suspect’s fingerprints matched those collected at the scene of the failed robbery at a Sham Shui Po watch shop in 1991 and also the results of a DNA test on a bloodstained T-shirt found in their car matched the suspect's own.
“We believe he was one of the robbers. We are still investigating his role to determine if he was the one who opened fire or used a hammer to smash the display cabinet,” the police said
The force said police were still hunting the other two men in connection with the case.
香港警方週末逮捕了一名 30 年前參與入室盜竊和謀殺的男子。
警方稱,這起未遂搶劫案據稱發生於 1991 年 6 月 9 日,三名男子手持手槍和錘子搶劫北河街的順發公司二手手錶店。
搶劫期間,有人向該公司的一名員工開槍,該員工後來在醫院死亡。 警方稱,三名劫匪最終空手逃離商店,並在未能打破目標玻璃展示櫃後開車逃跑。
據說,當汽車在逃跑時陷入交通擁堵後,他們把車拋在了後面,然後逃跑了。 警方的一份報告補充說,不幸的是,其中一名受傷者將沾滿血跡的T卹留在了車內。
“我們相信他是強盜之一。 我們仍在調查他的角色,以確定他是否是開槍或用錘子砸碎展示櫃的人。」警方表示