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Hong Kong police exposed a sub-divided flat where HK$3.8million worth of narcotics were uncovered

Writer's picture: AfriHKaAfriHKa

Two men, Pakistani and Indian were arrested on Tuesday by Hong Kong police after narcotics worth HK$ 3.8 million were found in a subdivided flat at Reclamation Street in Mongkok. The drugs intercepted in the flat comprised 2.46kg of cocaine, 1kg of Ecstasy tablets, 780 grams of cannabis and 700 grams of heroin, according to the police.

The police Intelligence specified that the dealers intended to supply the seized drugs to Chungking Mansions and entertainment venues in Tsim Sha Tsui, the source said.

The force investigation also found out that the syndicate recruited holders of recognisance forms (temporary immigration papers)  to run the drug-manufacturing line and storage centre.

It was reported that the source familiar with the case said "The building in downtown Kowloon had been used for about a year to store and produce illegal drugs such as crack cocaine".The source described the place as a " mini-supermarket” with different kinds of illegal narcotics.

However, after the consolidated evidence from the police. The officers from the Kowloon West regional crime unit were mobilized and intercepted the Indian man, who worked as a spotter at the block of flats on Reclamation Street in Mong Kok around 7 pm on Tuesday. The Pakistan man was also later arrested when leaving one of the flats at almost the same time. Officers found various kinds of drug-dealing-related equipment on the premises.

The two men who are of the same age, 37, were detained on suspicion of drug trafficking and the manufacture of a dangerous drug. As of today, the two suspects were still in police custody, with further arrests not ruled out.

They may be punished with life imprisonment and a HK$5 million fine under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance in Hong Kong if convicted.


週二,香港警方在旺角新填地街一間房內發現價值 380 萬港元的毒品後,逮捕了兩名男子,分別是巴基斯坦人和印度人。 據警方稱,在公寓內截獲的毒品包括2.46公斤可卡因、1公斤搖頭丸、780克大麻和700克海洛因。



報導稱,知情人士稱, “這棟位於九龍市中心的大樓被用來儲存和生產快克可卡因等非法毒品約一年”。該消息人士稱,該地點是一個“迷你超市”,裡面有不同種類的商品。 的非法麻醉品。

但是,經過警方的綜合證據。 西九龍總區重案組的警員出動攔截這名印裔男子,他於週二晚上七時左右在旺角新填地街的一個單位擔任偵察員。 這名巴基斯坦男子後來幾乎在同一時間離開其中一間公寓時也被捕。 人員在該處所發現了各種與毒品交易有關的設備。

兩人同齡,37歲,因涉嫌販賣毒品和製造危險藥物罪被刑事拘留。 截至今日,兩名嫌疑人仍被警方拘留,不排除進一步逮捕的可能。

根據香港《危險藥物條例》,他們一旦罪成,可被判終身監禁和罰款 500 萬港元。



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