Cheng Wing-chun, a-27- years old photographer has been jailed for three months. He became the first person to be arraigned under Hong Kong's national anthem law.
The sentence was made at Eastern Court on Thursday for using " a banned song tagged with the Hong Kong anti-government protest "Glory to Hong Kong" in a video posted on YouTube in breach of the National Anthem Ordinance.
Cheng made a 94-second YouTube clip which looks like spectators applauded the protest song after it was played during Tokyo Olympic Fencer, Edgar Ka-long's medal presentation. The video was widely shared with 90,000 views, according to the court.
The "Glory to Hong Kong" anthem was composed as a solidarity song during the 2019 anti-government protest. It was used as a target against the extradition bill that is now withdrawn. The last expression was found to be capable of carrying a secessionist meaning in the city’s first national security trial.
Two others have been earlier sentenced after pleading guilty to abusing the national anthem. The offence is punishable by up to three years imprisonment and a HK$50,000 fine.

27歲的攝影師鄭永俊被判入獄三個月。 他成為第一個根據香港國歌法被提審的人。
週四,東區法院作出上述判決,罪名是“在 YouTube 上發布的視頻中使用帶有香港反政府抗議標籤的違禁歌曲《願榮光歸香港》”,違反了《國歌條例》。
程製作了一段 94 秒的 YouTube 剪輯,看起來觀眾在東京奧運會擊劍比賽埃德加·卡隆頒獎典禮上播放這首抗議歌曲後鼓掌。據治安法官稱,該視頻被廣泛轉發,瀏覽量達 9 萬次。
《願榮光歸香港》是作為2019年反政府抗議期間的團結歌曲而創作的。 它被用作反對現已撤回的引渡法案的目標。 在該市的第一次國家安全審判中,最後一個表達被認為具有分裂主義含義。
另外兩人在承認濫用國歌罪後已被判刑。 該罪行最高可判處三年監禁及罰款港幣五萬元。