Temperatures in Hong Kong are anticipated to fall over the weekend to as low as 14°C as the monsoon approaches the city.
The Hong Kong Observatory forecasted on Wednesday that the weather was expected to get colder over the weekend, as a dry replenishment of the monsoon was due to reach the coast of southern China on Friday.
The minimum temperature on the weekend was forecast to be 14°C down slightly down from the 18°C and 16°C predicted for Thursday and Friday, respectively.
With the monsoon moderating early next week, temperatures are due to climb back up to between 16°C and 21°C.
The Observatory noted the city was under the effects of a northeast monsoon, which was forecast to continue for another day, while a broad cloud band was covering the northern part of the South China Sea.
One or two light patches of rain are expected on Wednesday night.
Today, temperatures are forecasted to range from 18°C to 21°C.
隨著季風臨近,香港週末氣溫預計將降至攝氏 14 度(57.2 度)。
預計週末最低氣溫為 14 度,分別比週四和週五預測的 18 度和 16 度略有下降。
隨著下週初季風減弱,氣溫預計將回升至 16 至 21 度。
節禮日預計氣溫為 18 至 21 度。