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The Hong Kong Tourism Board will be giving out free HK$100 dining vouchers to the residents. The effort is made to uplift the plummeted people's night dining habits and improve local consumption as a result of the lower post-COVID-19 economic performance than envisaged.
HKTB announced that a total of 200,000 vouchers to be handed out online on a first come, first served basis via its website. The first offer will come up next Wednesday at 10 pm followed by the second on January 10, next year.
The vouchers can be used at more than 1,100 involving restaurants as well as 100 bars in the city after 6 pm every day.
HKTB Executive Director Dane Cheng said that the existing promotion had been well received.
“Therefore, the HKTB will ride on the Christmas and New Year festivities to extend the campaign to locals to share the joy with the public as a joint gift from the HKTB and the trade and encourage the public to enjoy the holidays with their friends and family in town while supporting local businesses,” Cheng said.
香港旅遊發展局將免費發放價值港幣 100 元的餐飲券。 由於Covid-19後經濟表現低於預期,此舉旨在改善人們的夜間用餐習慣並改善當地消費。
旅發局宣布將透過其網站發放合共20萬張禮券,先到先得。 第一個報價將於下週三晚上 10 點發出,第二個報價將於明年 1 月 10 日發出。