Rabih Daher/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Israeli warplanes struck at least 300 sites across Lebanon on Monday in an exceptionally fierce bombardment targeting the militant group.
Hezbollah. Lebanon’s health ministry said the strikes had killed at least 100 people and injured more than 400, as rapidly accelerating violence brought the two sides ever closer to all-out war.
Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran, fired dozens of rockets and drones into northern Israel, setting off air-raid sirens in the city of Tzfat and around the Sea of Galilee, a day after its deputy chief pledged to continue attacking until Israel ended its military campaign in Gaza. Israeli leaders, for their part, have announced “a new stage” of the war intended to stop Hezbollah from firing at Israeli border communities.
The Israeli strikes on Monday were preceded by what Lebanese authorities called “a large number” of automated messages sent to residents of Beirut, the capital, and other regions warning them to evacuate areas where Hezbollah had secreted weapons. The Israeli military published a map showing 19 villages and towns in southern Lebanon but did not say which, if any, would be targeted.
Ziad Makary, the Lebanese information minister, whose office received an evacuation message, called them a form of “psychological warfare” by Israel.
The strikes were Israel’s latest attempt to break Hezbollah, following clandestine operations last week that blew up the militia’s wireless devices, killing 37 people and wounding thousands, as well as a rare strike on Beirut on Friday that destroyed a building where senior Hezbollah commanders were meeting.
But the surging attacks on Monday reflected Israel’s failure to force Hezbollah to back down, at least for the time being. Hezbollah enacted its own escalation over the weekend, firing a barrage of missiles on Sunday morning that hit areas roughly 30 miles south of the Lebanese border with Israel, its deepest strikes since the start of the war last October.
週一,以色列戰機對黎巴嫩各地至少 300 個地點進行了異常猛烈的轟炸,目標是該武裝組織。
真主黨。 黎巴嫩衛生部表示,攻擊已造成至少 100 人死亡、400 多人受傷,迅速加劇的暴力事件使雙方越來越接近全面戰爭。
得到伊朗支持的真主黨向以色列北部發射了數十枚火箭和無人機,在採法特市和加利利海周圍拉響了防空警報。直到以色列結束對以色列的製裁。 以色列領導人則宣布戰爭進入“新階段”,旨在阻止真主黨向以色列邊境社區開火。
在以色列週一發動襲擊之前,黎巴嫩當局稱向首都貝魯特和其他地區的居民發送了「大量」自動訊息,警告他們撤離真主黨秘密武器的地區。 以色列軍方公佈了一張地圖,顯示了黎巴嫩南部 19 個村莊和城鎮,但沒有說明哪些(如果有的話)將成為攻擊目標。
這次襲擊是以色列瓦解真主黨的最新嘗試,上週的秘密行動炸毀了真主黨的無線設備,造成37 人死亡,數千人受傷,週五對貝魯特進行了一次罕見的襲擊,摧毀了真主黨高級指揮官正在開會的一棟建築物 。
但周一激增的襲擊反映出以色列未能迫使真主黨讓步,至少暫時如此。 真主黨週末也升級了行動,週日早上發射了一連串飛彈,襲擊了黎巴嫩與以色列邊境以南約 30 英里的地區,這是自去年 10 月戰爭爆發以來最嚴重的襲擊。
Source: New York Times