About 2kg of Methamphetamine crystal that worth around HK$1.1 million in market value was seized by the Customs Authority at Hong Kong International Airport yesterday.

While the officers were inspecting a suspicious consignment, they found a set of crystal methamphetamine hidden inside two djembes, arriving from Africa.
A 36-year-old male driver who was hired to transport these goods to the new territory, Yuen Long from an air cargo terminal was arrested but later released on bail while the investigation is ongoing.
According to the Dangerous Drug Ordinance - Chapter 134, "the maximum penalty upon conviction for any person who traffics in a dangerous drug is a fine of HK$5,000,000 and imprisonment for life".

一名受僱從空運貨站將這些貨物運往新界元朗的 36 歲男司機被捕,但其後獲准保釋,調查仍在進行中。
根據《危險藥物條例》第 134 章,“任何人販運危險藥物一經定罪,最高可處罰款 500 萬港元及終身監禁”。