In an unexpected turn of events, a VietJet aircraft turned into an impromptu maternity ward when a passenger went into labor during a flight from Taipei to Bangkok. Captain Jakarin Sararnrakskul, an experienced pilot with 18 years of flying under his belt, found himself in a rare situation as he was called upon to assist in the delivery of a child at 30,000 feet.

The emergency unfolded while the Airbus was cruising over the South China Sea. The cabin crew quickly alerted Captain Sararnrakskul to the urgent situation: a woman on board was experiencing contractions and required immediate assistance. Acting calmly under pressure, the pilot rushed to join the makeshift birthing team in the aircraft's lavatory.
After the incident, Captain Sararnrakskul took to social media to share his extraordinary experience, expressing his amazement and joy at having helped deliver a healthy baby mid-flight. An accompanying Instagram post featured the captain cradling the newborn, capturing the hearts of people around the world. The crew affectionately nicknamed the baby "Sky Baby," a fitting name for a child born among the clouds.
While flying during pregnancy is generally considered safe, the UK's National Health Service (NHS) advises expectant mothers to consult with their healthcare provider before taking a flight. The risk of going into labor naturally increases after 37 weeks of pregnancy (or around 32 weeks for multiple pregnancies). Consequently, many airlines impose restrictions on travel for pregnant women approaching full term and may require medical documentation for those beyond 28 weeks gestation.
The NHS also emphasizes the importance of comprehensive travel insurance that covers pregnancy-related medical care, including the possibility of an unexpected birth during a flight. Despite these precautions, mid-air deliveries remain rare occurrences.
A study conducted by the International Society of Travel Medicine in 2020 found that between 1929 and 2018, a total of 74 children were born on commercial flights, with the majority of them surviving the ordeal. These exceptional cases highlight the unpredictable nature of air travel and the necessity for cabin crews to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.
出乎意料的是,一架越捷航空的飞机在从台北飞往曼谷的航班上,一名乘客临产,这架飞机变成了临时产房。 机长 Jakarin Sararnrakskul 是一位经验丰富的飞行员,拥有 18 年的飞行经验,当他被要求在 30,000 英尺的高空协助接生一名婴儿时,他发现自己处于一种罕见的境地。
紧急情况发生时,空中客车公司正在南中国海上空巡航。 机组人员迅速向船长 Sararnrakskul 通报了紧急情况:机上一名妇女出现宫缩,需要立即援助。 迫于压力,飞行员表现得很冷静,赶紧跑到飞机卫生间加入临时助产队。
事件发生后,机长 Sararnrakskul 在社交媒体上分享了他的非凡经历,表达了他对在飞行途中帮助生下健康婴儿的惊讶和喜悦。 随附的 Instagram 帖子显示船长抱着新生儿,俘获了世界各地人们的心。 工作人员亲切地给这个婴儿起了个绰号“天空宝宝”,这个名字很适合出生在云端的孩子。
虽然怀孕期间乘坐飞机通常被认为是安全的,但英国国家医疗服务体系 (NHS) 建议准妈妈在乘坐飞机之前咨询其医疗保健提供者。 怀孕 37 周后(多胎妊娠 32 周左右),分娩的风险自然会增加。 因此,许多航空公司对接近足月的孕妇实行旅行限制,并可能要求怀孕 28 周以上的孕妇提供医疗文件。
NHS 还强调了全面旅行保险的重要性,该保险涵盖与怀孕相关的医疗护理,包括飞行期间意外分娩的可能性。 尽管采取了这些预防措施,空中投递仍然很少发生。
国际旅行医学学会2020年进行的一项研究发现,1929年至2018年间,共有74名儿童在商业航班上出生,其中大多数都幸存下来。 这些特殊情况凸显了航空旅行的不可预测性,以及机组人员为任何不可预见的情况做好准备的必要性。