August 24, 2024
Divers in Sicily have resumed their search for the teenage daughter of UK technology tycoon Mike Lynch, who is among the six people still missing after the sinking of his luxury superyacht earlier this week.

The 56-meter (185-foot) British-flagged yacht named "Bayesian" sank suddenly in the early hours of Monday morning off the coast near Palermo. The yacht was anchored in the area when it was struck by a powerful waterspout, akin to a mini-tornado, during a sudden storm. The vessel went down within minutes, with 15 people rescued but six, including Lynch and his daughter, reported missing.
After an intensive search involving divers, boats, and helicopters, the bodies of four of the missing individuals were recovered on Wednesday - Lynch's lawyer Christopher Morvillo and his wife Neda, as well as Jonathan Bloomer, the chair of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife Judy. Lynch's body was then pulled from the water on Thursday.
However, the search continues for Lynch's teenage daughter, who was the last person unaccounted for after the tragic sinking. Italy's fire service stated that the "long and delicate search operations for the last missing person continue" as of Friday morning.
The circumstances surrounding the rapid sinking of the well-constructed Perini Navi yacht have raised many questions. Giovanni Costantino, the head of the Italian Sea Group which built the "Bayesian" in 2008, stated that the disaster could have been avoided if proper safety protocols had been followed.
"Everything that was done reveals a very long summation of errors," Costantino told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. He said bad weather had been forecast, and all passengers should have been gathered at a designated assembly point with all doors and hatches closed. Instead, he said, "They ended up in a trap, those poor people ended up like mice in a trap."
Lynch, aged 59, had recently been acquitted of an $11 billion fraud case in the United States related to the sale of his software firm Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard. He had invited friends and family onto the "Bayesian" to celebrate his legal victory, but the joyous occasion turned to tragedy in the sudden storm off the Sicilian coast.
西西里潛水員搜索商界大亨女兒 after 豪華遊艇沉沒
潛水員已經在西西里水域恢復搜索英國商界大亨麥克·林奇(Mike Lynch)的青少年女兒,她是這艘豪華遊艇沉沒事件中最後一個失蹤者。
經過由潛水員、多個緊急救援部門的船隻和直升機參與的密集搜索,林奇的遺體終於在星期四尋獲,而在此之前一天,另外四具遺體也已找到。其他遇難者包括林奇的律師Christopher Morvillo及其妻子Neda,以及摩根士丹利國際主席Jonathan Bloomer和他的妻子Judy。
為什麼這艘遊艇會如此迅速地沉沒,而附近其他船隻並未受到影響,仍有很多疑問待解。遊艇製造商意大利海洋集團(Italian Sea Group)的負責人表示,要是遵守適當的安全程序,這宗悲劇本可以避免。