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Sri Lankan family of 4 children and 2 adults killed in Ottawa home

Writer's picture: AfriHKaAfriHKa

6 people were killed in an Ottawa home. Patrick Doyle/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press

Ottawa: The police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the killings on Wednesday of a Sri Lankan family, the city’s largest mass murder in at least 30 years.

A woman from Sri Lanka and her four children were stabbed to death in a home in Ottawa by a student who is also from Sri Lanka, the police said on Thursday. Another man living in the home was also killed, and the children’s father was hospitalized with injuries.

Investigators charged Febrio De-Zoysa, 19, a student who also lived in the home, with six counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder. He was arrested shortly after the police received two emergency calls around 11 p.m. Wednesday requesting they come to the home, which is in a residential neighbourhood, police officers said.

Ottawa’s police chief, Eric Stubbs, said at a news conference that the stabbings were the largest mass killing in the city, Canada’s capital, in at least three decades.

“I want to emphasize this was a senseless act of violence perpetrated on purely innocent people,” Chief Stubbs said. “I know our whole community is shocked and mourning this event.”

The victims were identified as Darshani Banbaranayake Gama Walwwe Darshani Dilanthika Ekanyake, 35, the mother of the four children; Inuka Wickramasinghe, a 7-year-old boy; Ashwini Wickramasinghe, a 4-year-old girl; Rinyana Wickramasinghe, a 2-year-old girl; and Kelly Wickramasinghe, a 2-month-old girl.

The children’s father and Ms Ekanyake’s husband, identified as Dhanushka Wickramasinghe in court documents, were seriously injured in the attack and was in stable condition at an area hospital...

Bhante Suneetha, a monk at the The Hilda Jayewardenaramaya Buddhist Monastery, where the family were active members, said that he spoke by phone on Thursday with Mr Wickramasinghe, who he said is being hospitalized for slash wounds to his eyes and one of his hands.

Mr Wickramasinghe told the monk that he arrived home from work on Wednesday night and was attacked when he opened the door, Mr Suneetha said. Mr Wickramasinghe was able to subdue his attacker before he discovered the other victims, he said.

Police officers said Mr Wickramasinghe was seen on the street shouting for someone to call 911.

The sixth person killed, Amarakoonmubiayansela Ge Gamini Amarakoon, 40, was an acquaintance who had recently arrived from Sri Lanka and was living with the family. Mr. Suneetha said that he leaves a wife and two young children in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka.

The police said they believed the victims were attacked with “an edged weapon” but did not provide any more details.

Source: NYT


警方正在調查週三斯里蘭卡一個家庭被殺的情況,這是該市至少 30 年來最大規模的謀殺案。

警方週四表示,一名斯里蘭卡婦女和她的四個孩子在渥太華的一處家中被一名同樣來自斯里蘭卡的學生刺死。 住在家裡的另一名男子也被殺,孩子們的父親受傷住院。

調查人員指控同住該房屋的 19 歲學生 Febrio De-Zoysa 犯有六項一級謀殺罪和一項謀殺未遂罪。 晚上11點左右,警方接到兩通緊急電話後不久,他就被逮捕了。 警方稱,週三要求他們來到位於住宅區的家中。

渥太華警察局長艾瑞克‧史塔布斯(Eric Stubbs)在記者會上表示,這起刺傷事件是加拿大首都渥太華市至少三十年來最大規模的屠殺事件。

斯塔布斯酋長說: “我想強調,這是對無辜者實施的毫無意義的暴力行為。” “我知道我們整個社區都對這一事件感到震驚和哀悼。”

受害者被確認為 Darshani Banbaranayake Gama Walwwe Darshani Dilanthika Ekanyake,35 歲,四個孩子的母親; Inuka Wickramasinghe,一名 7 歲男孩; Ashwini Wickramasinghe,一名 4 歲女孩; Rinyana Wickramasinghe,一名 2 歲女孩; 還有兩個月大的女孩 Kelly Wickramasinghe。

在法庭文件中,孩子們的父親和埃卡尼亞克女士的丈夫達努什卡·維克拉馬辛哈 (Dhanushka Wickramasinghe) 在襲擊中受重傷,目前在地區醫院傷勢穩定。

希爾達·賈亞瓦德納拉瑪雅佛教寺院的僧侶布漢特·蘇尼塔(Bhante Suneetha) 表示,他週四與維克拉馬辛格先生通了電話,他說維克拉馬辛格先生因眼睛和一隻手被割傷而正在住院治療。

蘇尼塔表示,維克拉馬辛哈告訴這名僧人,他週三晚上下班回家,一開門就遭到攻擊。 維克拉馬辛哈先生說,他在發現其他受害者之前製服了襲擊者。

警方表示,有人看到 Wickramasinghe 先生在街上大聲喊叫,要求有人撥打 911。

第六名罹難者是 Amarakoonmubiayansela Ge Gamini Amarakoon,40 歲,是一位熟人,最近從斯里蘭卡抵達,與家人住在一起。 蘇尼塔先生說,他在斯里蘭卡首都科倫坡留下了妻子和兩個年幼的孩子。



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