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The Hong Kong Observatory announced on Saturday that No. 8 Southeast Gale or Storm Signal will be considerably issued to replace Hurricane Signal No. 10, between 3 a.m. to 6 a.m.
As Saola departs from Hong Kong, the decision would be made depending on the wind conditions, the forecaster reported.

"Winds over the eastern part of the territory have weakened. However hurricane-force winds associated with Saola are still affecting the western part of the territory occasionally," the observatory said.
Moreover, it was noted that sea levels in coastal areas are reducing. The water level in Tai Po reached about four metres above the chart datum after midnight. It was predicted that the water level in Tai O would rise to some three metres above the chart datum at around 9 a.m.
Hong Kong Observatory finally told the public to stay in safe places and avoid going outside.
預報員稱,隨著 Saola 遠離香港,將根據風力狀況做出決定。
天文台表示: “本港東部的風力已減弱,但與薩奧拉相關的颶風級大風仍偶爾影響本港西部。”
此外,人們注意到沿海地區的海平面正在下降。 午夜過後,大埔水位達到海圖基準面以上約四米。 預計大澳水位將於上午9時左右升至海圖基準面以上約3米。