The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) in Taiwan is considering tougher legal requirements laid down for Hong Kongers to achieve permanent residence in the territory.
The amendments said to increase the shortest duration Hong Kongers have to stay in Taiwan to become eligible and qualify to apply for permanent residency, from a year to at least four years.
It was reported that the change was instigated by the national security agencies concerning that China might infiltrate Taiwan through Hong Kong territory, although people from Hong Kong were given special treatment. Believing that freedom, democracy and human right have been eroded through the implemented National Security laws.
According to the official statement on the proposed amendment, Hong Kongers who were born in Hong Kong and have no relatives in mainland China would need to stay in Taiwan for four years before they can apply for permanent residency while the Mainland Chinese with permanent residence in Hong Kong would need to stay for at least six years before they can apply, similar to Chinese spouses of Taiwanese.
The current regulations stipulate that Hong Kong and Macau residents who have lineal relatives or a spouse with a household registration in Taiwan, have received “overseas compatriot education” or contributed to overseas community affairs before the UK or Portugal ended their governance of the territories, invested more than NT$6 million (US$195,185) in Taiwan, or have passed review by a central competent authority can apply for permanent residency after staying in Taiwan “for a period of time.”

The official said the term “for a period of time” means they can apply for naturalization after staying in Taiwan for one year, which is a “quasi-national treatment,” as other foreign nationals must stay for five years before they can apply for naturalization.
台灣大陸事務委員會 (MAC) 正在考慮對香港人在該地區獲得永久居留權制定更嚴格的法律要求。
據報導,雖然香港人受到特殊待遇,但國家安全機構擔心中國可能通過香港領土滲透台灣,因此做出了這一改變。 相信自由、民主和人權已因實施的國家安全法而受到侵蝕。
根據有關修正案的官方聲明,在香港出生且在中國大陸沒有親屬的香港人需要在台灣居住四年才能申請永久居留權,而在香港擁有永久居留權的中國大陸人 Kong 需要至少居住六年才能申請,類似於台灣人的中國配偶。
現行條例規定,港澳居民在英國或葡萄牙結束管治前,在台灣有直系親屬或配偶,接受過“海外同胞教育”或對海外社區事務有貢獻,投資 在台灣超過 600 萬新台幣(195,185 美元),或已通過中央主管機關的審查,可在台灣逗留“一段時間”後申請永久居留權。
這位官員說, “一段時間”是指在台灣停留一年後可以申請入籍,屬於“準國民待遇”,因為其他外籍人士必須在台灣停留五年才能申請入籍。 歸化。