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Two teenagers were found guilty on Wednesday of murdering Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old transgender girl who was stabbed 28 times at a park in northwest England in February, local prosecutors said.

The two, both 16 and were referred to by prosecutors only as “Girl X” and “Boy Y,” had carefully planned the killing in a series of WhatsApp messages, before attempting to cover up their crime, the Crown Prosecution Service in the United Kingdom said in a statement.
The two had pleaded not guilty, but were convicted by a jury after an 18-day trial in Manchester Crown Court, local authorities said. Their lawyers could not be immediately reached for comment on Wednesday evening.
Justice Amanda Yip told the two teens, who will not be named because of their age, that she would “have to impose a life sentence” but would need to consider the minimum time they would be required to serve before being considered for release, the BBC reported.
“The planning, the violence and the age of the killers is beyond belief,” prosecutors said in the statement, noting that Brianna, a student in the town of Birchwood, had been stabbed in a public park in broad daylight in a “frenzied and ferocious attack.” Prosecutors described the “deadly influence” of the two teens upon one another, as their fantasies of torture and murder manifested into a reality that left Brianna dead.
Speaking after the trial, Brianna’s mother, Esther Ghey, said that she was glad the two teens, who she said had failed to “display an ounce of remorse,” would spend many years in prison. “To know how scared my usually fearless child must have been when she was alone in that park, with someone that she called her friend, will haunt me forever,” Ms. Ghey said.
Peter Spooner, father of Brianna Ghey, on Wednesday after two teenagers were found convicted of killing her.
According to court documents, Brianna was discovered on the afternoon of Feb. 11 by a couple walking in Culcheth Linear Park, about 12 miles west of Manchester, when they noticed the two teens standing near what they believed to be a dog. As the couple approached, the teens fled, and they instead found Brianna, stabbed multiple times in the head, back, chest and neck.
The extent of the wounds, which included deep and severe lacerations to Brianna’s veins, heart and bones, prosecutors added, left “no doubt that she was the victim of a sustained and violent assault.” Shortly afterwards, emergency medical workers arrived at the park and pronounced Brianna dead.
According to prosecutors, “Girl X,” and “Boy Y,” who were both 15 at the time, were close friends who often texted about their crushes and relationships. They were also “preoccupied with violence,” prosecutors added, sharing violent videos of torture, debating the merits of various nerve agents as means to murder, and plotting how to kill people.
In December 2022, “Girl X” also confided in “Boy Y” that she was “obsessed” with Brianna, whom she had met about a month earlier, according to prosecutors. Brianna was born as a boy, but was living as a girl and using female pronouns, they said. By January, however, “X’s fascination with Brianna had turned darker,” prosecutors said, leading her to confide in “Boy Y” that she had tried to kill Brianna with an overdose of ibuprofen tablets.
People “already know she is depressed,” “Girl X” wrote in a message to “Boy Y” on Jan. 23, indicating that she believed others were likely to get suspicious. But “for some reason she has a high tolerance like I gave her some today that should have been enough to kill her,” she added. Although Brianna had felt ill and vomited, “she didn’t die,” “Girl X” said in the message. According to the documents, Brianna’s mother confirmed her daughter had been sick that week, and that her vomit had contained what she thought were grape skins but could have been the remnants of ibuprofen tablets.
In the following days, the two teens continued discussing various methods for killing Brianna, as well as four other people they knew, according to prosecutors, and by late January, had formulated their plan to stab her in the park. On Feb. 10, “Girl X” told “Boy Y” that she had sent a message to Brianna encouraging her to come to the park the following day to take drugs, and that Brianna had confirmed she would be there at 1 p.m. “Boy Y” confirmed he was bringing his hunting knife, prosecutors said.
Brianna, who had red hair and glasses, and that day wore a short grey tartan skirt, long white socks and a fluffy white hooded jacket, left home around 12:45 p.m. on Feb 11, according to prosecutors. About an hour after leaving home, Brianna, who according to her mother, rarely went out alone, texted her mother: “I’m on the bus by myself, I’m scared.”
Detective Inspector Nige Parr of the Cheshire Constabulary, which investigated the death, said in a statement on Wednesday that he hoped that the guilty verdict might bring some closure to Brianna’s family as they attempted to rebuild their lives. “Brianna did not deserve her fate,” Detective Inspector Parr said. “She was targeted because she was different, and betrayed by someone she thought was a friend, and for her to have lost her life as a result of their senseless actions is tragic in every sense of the word.” NYT.
兩名青少年用刀刺死一名 16 歲變性女孩 28 刀,被判謀殺罪
當地檢察官稱,週三,兩名青少年因謀殺 16 歲變性女孩布麗安娜·蓋伊 (Brianna Ghey) 被判有罪,她於 2 月在英格蘭西北部的一個公園被刺傷 28 刀。
英國皇家檢察署稱,這兩人都是16 歲,被檢察官稱為“女孩X”和“男孩Y”,在試圖掩蓋自己的罪行之前,他們在一系列WhatsApp 訊息中精心策劃了這起謀殺案。在一份聲明中說。
地方當局表示,兩人均不認罪,但在曼徹斯特刑事法庭經過 18 天的審判後,陪審團定罪。 週三晚間未能立即聯繫到他們的律師置評。
法官葉阿曼達 (Amanda Yip) 告訴這兩名因年齡而不願透露姓名的青少年,她“必須判處無期徒刑”,但需要考慮他們在考慮釋放之前需要服刑的最短時間。英國廣播公司報道。
檢察官在聲明中表示,“兇手的策劃、暴力和年齡令人難以置信”,並指出伯奇伍德鎮的一名學生布里安娜在光天化日之下在一個公園裡被刺傷,事件是“瘋狂和殘忍的”。兇猛的攻擊。” 檢察官描述了這兩名青少年對彼此的“致命影響”,因為他們對酷刑和謀殺的幻想變成了現實,導致布里安娜死亡。
布里安娜的母親埃絲特·蓋伊在審判後發表講話時表示,她很高興這兩個青少年在監獄裡度過了很多年,她說這兩個青少年沒有「表現出一絲悔恨」。 蓋伊女士說: “我一向無所畏懼的孩子獨自一人在公園裡,和一個她稱為朋友的人在一起時,她一定會感到多麼害怕,這讓我永遠難以忘懷。”
週三,布里安娜蓋伊 (Brianna Ghey) 的父親彼得斯普納 (Peter Spooner) 因殺害她而被判有罪。
根據法庭文件,布麗安娜於2 月11 日下午被一對在曼徹斯特以西約12 英里的卡爾切斯線性公園(Culcheth Linear Park) 散步的夫婦發現,當時他們注意到這兩個青少年站在他們認為是一隻狗的附近。 當這對夫婦走近時,青少年們逃跑了,他們發現布麗安娜的頭部、背部、胸部和頸部被刺多處。
檢察官補充說,傷口的程度,包括布里安娜的靜脈、心臟和骨頭的深度和嚴重撕裂,「毫無疑問,她是持續暴力攻擊的受害者」。 不久之後,緊急醫療人員趕到公園並宣布布里安娜死亡。
據檢察官稱,「女孩 X」和「男孩 Y」當時都是 15 歲,是親密的朋友,經常發短信談論自己的迷戀和戀愛關係。 檢察官補充說,他們還“專注於暴力”,分享酷刑的暴力視頻,討論各種神經毒劑作為謀殺手段的優點,並策劃如何殺人。
據檢察官稱,2022 年 12 月,「女孩 X」還向「男孩 Y」吐露,她對一個月前認識的布麗安娜「著迷」。 他們說,布麗安娜出生時是個男孩,但以女孩的身份生活,並使用女性代名詞。 然而,到一月份, “X 對布麗安娜的迷戀變得更加黑暗”,檢察官說,導致她向“Y 男孩”吐露,她曾試圖用過量的布洛芬藥片殺死布洛芬。
據檢察官稱,在接下來的幾天裡,這兩名青少年繼續討論殺死布麗安娜以及他們認識的其他四人的各種方法,並在一月下旬制定了在公園刺傷她的計劃。 2月10日, “女孩X”告訴“男孩Y”,她已經給布麗安娜發了一條信息,鼓勵她第二天來公園吸毒,並且布麗安娜已經確認她會在下午1點到達那裡。 檢察官稱,「Y 男孩」證實他攜帶了獵刀。
布麗安娜 (Brianna) 紅頭髮,戴著眼鏡,當天穿著灰色格子呢短裙、白色長襪和蓬鬆的白色連帽夾克,於中午 12 點 45 分左右離開家。 據檢察官稱,2月11日。 據她母親說,很少單獨出門的布麗安娜在離開家大約一個小時後,給母親發短信說: “我一個人在公車上,我很害怕。”
調查這起死亡事件的柴郡警察局探長尼格·帕爾 (Nige Parr) 在周三的一份聲明中表示,他希望有罪判決能為布里安娜一家試圖重建生活的家庭帶來一些結局。 「布麗安娜不值得她的命運,」帕爾偵探督察說。 “她之所以成為攻擊目標,是因為她與眾不同,並被她認為是朋友的人背叛了,而她因他們毫無意義的行為而失去了生命,從任何意義上來說都是悲劇。”