According to reports, at around 8:00 p.m. today, the police received a call to the police saying that there was a dispute at the central waterfront event space. A 27-year-old man surnamed Zhao allegedly got into an argument with another man after drinking alcohol. During the altercation, the victim was hit by a thrown bottle, causing head injuries and bleeding.

After receiving the report, medical personnel rushed to the scene immediately to treat the injured. After initial first aid, the victim was taken by ambulance to hospital for further treatment. At the same time, law enforcement officers have launched an investigation into the incident and are actively pursuing the perpetrators.
The Central Harbourfront event space will host S2O Songkran Music Festival, a two-day extravaganza of water-themed music and performances featuring internationally renowned DJs. The festival is in full swing today and will continue into tomorrow.
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据报道,当晚8点左右 今天(5日),警方接到报警称,中央海滨活动场地发生纠纷。 一名27岁的赵姓男子涉嫌饮酒后与另一名男子发生争执。 争吵中,受害人被扔出的瓶子击中,导致头部受伤并流血。
接到报告后,医护人员立即赶赴现场救治伤者。 经过初步急救后,受害人被救护车送往医院接受进一步治疗。 同时,执法人员已对事件展开调查,并积极追捕肇事者。
中环海滨活动空间将举办 S2O 泼水节音乐节,这是一场为期两天的水主题音乐盛会,并邀请国际知名 DJ 表演。 节日今天正如火如荼地进行,并将持续到明天