Photo: Asia Pacific Press via ViralPress
An American woman was eaten by a shark during a diving vacation with friends in Indonesia, according to the report.
The body of Colleen Monfore, 68-year-old of Michigan was found inside the shark’s stomach after she was swept out to sea by strong currents, the Sun reported.
She and her other six friends were reportedly enjoying a dream diving trip around Pulau Reong island. She was dragged out by strong currents on the 26, of September and the boat’s guide was unable to pull her back in.
A fisherman caught the shark in East Timor on Sunday.
“The shark was caught but it was not in normal health. I thought it had swallowed plastic or a fishing net,” the fisherman said. “It was cut open to find the problem and inside there were the remains of a woman.

Photo : Asia Pacific Press via ViralPress
The dead person was in a black wetsuit when it was recovered from the shark’s stomach, local officials said.
A horrifying image from the scene revealed the supposed human remains in the background after the dead shark was cut wide open.
An investigation is ongoing. Officials said East Timor which is also known as Timor-Leste is not Indonesian territory.
“We are now investigating the case further to confirm if they are the remains of anyone reported missing in Indonesia,” said Muhammad Saleh Goro, head of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Management of the Alor Island Marine Park.
“From the diving suit worn by the victim, it is suspected that they were a diver. The results of the investigation will be published soon after more complete information is available.
“The anecdotal reports from Timor Leste are that the victim in the shark was a foreign female.”
據《太陽報》報道,68 歲的密西根州科琳·蒙弗爾 (Colleen Monfore) 被強流沖入大海,她的屍體在鯊魚的胃裡被發現。
據報道,她和其他六位朋友正在雷翁島周圍享受夢想的潛水之旅。 報道稱,9月26日,她被強大的水流拖出,導遊無法將她拉回來。
「鯊魚被捕獲,但它的健康狀況並不正常。 我以為它吞下了塑膠或漁網,」漁民說。 「為了發現問題,它被切開,裡面有一具女性的遺骸。
調查正在進行中。 官員表示,東帝汶也稱為東帝汶,不是印尼領土。
「從受害者所穿的潛水服來看,懷疑他們是潛水員。 調查結果將在獲得更完整的資訊後儘快公佈。
Source : New York Post.