Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific cancelled 22 more flights over engine problems, bringing the total to 90.
Cathay Pacific Airways said another 22 flights will be cancelled because of the problem that arose from its Airbus A350 fleet engine component, making a total of 90 flights that have been cancelled recently.
According to the report, the latest 22 flights cancelled fell on Thursday and Saturday with no expectation of further cancellations.
Earlier, Cathay Pacific cancelled 48 flights on Tuesday and 20 on Wednesday.
It was announced by the company on Wednesday that 15 aircraft out of its 48-strong A350 fleet were discovered to have engine fuel lines that needed to be replaced.
Adding that six of the aircraft had been repaired and cleared to operate. The remaining nine would be repaired and were expected to resume operation by Saturday.
Cathay said all the cancelled flights were to regional destinations, apart from a long-haul service from Hong Kong to Zurich on Monday.
"Completing thorough inspection and maintenance for all A350 aircraft within such a short timeframe has been challenging. The ability to safely deal with and resolve this issue reflects the can-do spirit of Cathay’s people. I would like to express my sincere thanks to our engineering and frontline teams, along with our partners, for their support and commitment to resolve the situation and minimise flight disruptions," he added.
"I would also like to extend my apology to customers whose travel plans were affected by this incident. At Cathay, the safety of our customers and our people guides every decision we make" Chief Operations and Service Delivery Officer Alex McGowan said.
報導稱,最新取消的 22 趟航班發生在周四和周六,預計不會再取消。
此前,國泰航空週二取消了 48 趟航班,週三取消了 20 趟航班。
該公司週三宣布,其 48 架 A350 機隊中的 15 架飛機被發現有發動機燃油管路需要更換。
補充說,其中六架飛機已經修復並獲準運行。 其餘九座將修復,預計週六恢復營運。
首席營運及服務交付長 Alex McGowan 表示:“我還要向旅行計劃受到此次事件影響的乘客致歉。在國泰航空,我們所做的每一個決定都以乘客和員工的安全為指導。”