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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

HK elderly 65 years old and above are advised to book a new vaccine for the XBB COVID-19 variant

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Hong Kong elderly above 65 years old can start to make an appointment for a dose of a new vaccine for the XBB variant of COVID-19, the authority said on Tuesday.

The new vaccine will be ready to be gotten starting from Thursday at Private Clinic Covid-19 Community Vaccination Stations, some Hospital Authority outpatient clinics and elderly health centres run by the Department of Health.

Additionally, the authority said that the jabs will be extended to citizens between the ages of 50 to 64 years and those at high risk of infection.

The authority urged the members of the public who are yet to get the required level of doses for the COVID-19 vaccine to do so as soon as possible for self-protection particularly high-risk people such as the elderly and residential care home residents.

建議香港 65 歲以上長者預約 XBB COVID-19 變種新疫苗

當局今天表示,香港 65 歲以上的老年人可以從明天起預約接種一劑針對 COVID-19 XBB 變種的新疫苗。


此外,當局表示,疫苗接種範圍將擴大到年齡在 50 至 64 歲之間的公民以及感染高風險族群。

當局敦促尚未接種所需劑量的 COVID-19 疫苗的公眾盡快接種,以保護自我,尤其是老年人和院舍居民等高危險群。



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