Luke Davies, left, and Jesse Baird from Mr Baird’s Instagram account. Credits: Jesse Baird.
A police officer has been apprehended in Australia and charged with murdering two men after their remains were found on Tuesday in a rural area south of Sydney, authorities said. Adding that the officer once had a relationship with one of the men.
The victims are Jesse Baird, 26, and Luke Davies, 29.
The report from the police commissioner for the state of New South Wales, Karen Webb, said that detectives had found the bodies of the men, Jesse Baird, 26, and his partner, Luke Davies, 29, who had been missing for more than a week, in Bungonia, a small town about 115 miles southwest of Sydney.
The commissioner said at the news conference on Tuesday “We believe, we are very confident, that we have located Luke and Jesse." She expressed her condolences.
The police officer, Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, was charged Friday with two counts of murder, according to information provided by the Local Court of New South Wales.
He was being held and will next appear in court on April 23.
He had legal representation, a spokesman from the court said by email.
Detective Superintendent Daniel Doherty said that Mr Baird and the officer had been in a relationship “at some stage.”
Mr Lamarre-Condon surrendered to the authorities in Bondi, a Sydney suburb, on Friday, ending a search by detectives in connection with the disappearance of Mr Baird, a former television host, and Mr Davies, a flight attendant with Qantas, Detective Superintendent Daniel Doherty said separately last week.
A separate statement from the police identified Mr Lamarre-Condon as an off-duty senior constable attached to a special command.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation quoted court documents as saying the men were murdered between 12:01 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 19.
The discovery of their remains was the latest development in a murder case that has led investigators across cities and towns in the Sydney area, the report said.
Both men were last seen in Paddington, an Eastern suburb of Sydney, on Feb. 19, a police statement said. Mr. Davies was reported missing after his family was unable to contact him and he did not report to work, the police said. On Feb. 21, some of their belongings were found in a dumpster in the Sydney suburb of Cronulla, the police said.
A “projectile” found in Paddington was ballistically matched to a New South Wales police firearm, the deputy commissioner said. He said a white van had been found that the authorities believed had been used to transport the bodies.
當局稱,週二在雪梨南部農村地區發現兩名男子的屍體後,一名警察在澳洲被捕,並被指控謀殺兩名男子。 補充說,該名警官曾經與其中一名男子有過關係。
新南威爾斯州警察局長凱倫·韋伯(Karen Webb) 的報告稱,偵探們發現了26 歲的傑西·貝爾德(Jesse Baird) 和他29 歲的搭檔盧克·戴維斯(Luke Davies)的屍體,他們失蹤已超過一年。一周,在雪梨西南約 115 英里的小鎮 Bungonia。
他目前已被關押,將於 4 月 23 日出庭。
偵探警司丹尼爾·多爾蒂 (Daniel Doherty) 表示,貝爾德先生和這名警官「在某個階段」曾有過戀愛關係。
澳洲廣播公司引述法庭文件稱,這些人是在凌晨 12 點至下午 5 點之間被謀殺的。 2月19日。
警方聲明稱,兩人最後一次出現是在 2 月 19 日,地點是雪梨東郊的帕丁頓。 警方稱,戴維斯的家人無法聯繫上他,而且他也沒有去上班,據報他失蹤了。 警方稱,2月21日,他們在雪梨郊區克羅納拉的一個垃圾箱中發現了他們的一些物品。
副專員表示,在帕丁頓發現的一枚「彈丸」與新南威爾斯州警方的槍枝彈道相符。 他說,當局發現了一輛白色貨車,當局認為這輛貨車是用來運送屍體的。