During the trial of former media mogul Jimmy Lai, prosecutors claimed that Lai was the mastermind behind an international campaign aimed at destabilizing the Chinese government. They alleged that Lai provided millions of dollars in loans to support a campaign calling for foreign political pressure on China and Hong Kong. Lai had previously pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring with foreign forces and sedition.

According to the prosecution, Lai played a key role in coordinating and financing a group of co-conspirators who sought foreign support. It was revealed in court that Lai agreed to loan HK$5 million to an "international propaganda" campaign after being informed about it by his personal assistant, Mark Simon. The campaign involved publishing articles in foreign media, organized by Andy Li, one of the Hongkongers arrested in China while allegedly attempting to flee to Taiwan. The aim of these articles was to exert undue political pressure on the Chinese and Hong Kong governments.
The prosecution further claimed that Lai had outlined a four-stage agenda to create administrative and economic turmoil in China. They presented a flow chart detailing financial transactions between Lai and others, highlighting transfers of over HK$93 million from Lai to Simon between 2013 and 2020, which were then dispersed to individuals from the pro-democracy camp.
The court also heard that the "Stand With Hong Kong" platform was used to establish an international network seeking support from foreign countries. Additionally, it was alleged that Apple Daily, the newspaper founded by Lai, continued to publish seditious articles under Lai's direction even after his arrest in 2020. The prosecution argued that this demonstrated Lai's persistence in pursuing his scheme.
The trial will resume on Monday.
據控方指控,黎智英在協調同財務上發揮關鍵作用,組織一個尋求外國支持嘅共謀者團體。法庭上揭示,黎智英在得知此事後,同佢嘅私人助手Simon Mark商定提供500萬港元貸款俾一個「國際宣傳」運動。呢個運動由李宇軒(Andy Li)組織,佢係一個在中國被捕嘅香港人,據稱佢企圖走私去台灣。呢啲文章旨在對中國同香港政府施加不當政治壓力。
控方進一步指控黎智英制定咗一個四階段嘅計劃,旨在在中國制造行政同經濟混亂。佢地向法庭呈交咗一份詳細列明黎智英同其他人之間嘅財務交易嘅流程圖,突顯黎智英喺2013年至2020年間向Simon Mark轉賬超過9300萬港元,然後再進一步分發俾民主派陣營嘅人士。