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The egg-shaped art installation in Hong Kong Tamar Park extended to glow until June 8

Writer's picture: AfriHKaAfriHKa

The hundreds of giant glowing egg-shaped exhibitions created by the collaboration between the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Japanese brand teamLab, at Admiralty’s Tamar Park would be extended until June 8, the organizer announced on Monday. Also, visitors will no longer need to preregister, starting from Wednesday.

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department said on Monday that it hoped the new arrangement for “teamLab: Continuous” at Admiralty’s Tamar Park could “allow more people to visit the exhibition”.

“[People] can visit the exhibition directly during the opening hours without prior registration [from Wednesday],” it said.

The free-access installation starts from 6.30 pm to 11 pm every day and it is expected to be ended originally on June 2.

Toshiyuki Inoko, founder of teamLab, said the exhibition iteration of the installation in Hong Kong was the largest it had created.

The installation launched in March as part of Hong Kong’s Art@Harbour initiative.

It was known that the installation has been funded by HK$50 million with other projects by local artists in taxpayers’ money.


主辦單位宣布,由康樂及文化事務署與日本品牌teamLab合作於金鐘添馬公園打造的數百個巨型發光蛋形展覽將延長至6月8日。 此外,從週三開始,遊客將不再需要預先登記。

康樂及文化事務署週一表示,希望金鐘添馬公園「teamLab: Continuous」的新安排可以「讓更多人參觀展覽」。


免費安裝從每天下午 6 點 30 分至晚上 11 點開始,原定於 6 月 2 日結束。

teamLab 創辦人 Toshiyuki Inoko 表示,裝置在香港的版本是其創建的最大的一次。


與本地藝術家的另一個藝術項目一起,該裝置的資金來自納稅人 5000 萬港元(640 萬美元)。

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