A devastating fire broke out at New Lucky House in Jordan, Hong Kong, resulting in the loss of five lives, including a young Indonesian couple who worked at The Ritz Carlton. The victims, Ricky and Bregita, had their dreams tragically cut short in the blaze.
Ricky and Bregita. Photo: Handouts
On the morning of April 10th, New Lucky House on Jordan Road became the epicenter of a severe fire, reaching third-degree intensity. The incident caused 40 injuries, with eight individuals in critical condition. Amidst the chaos, the heartbreaking story of Ricky, 23, and Bregita, 24, emerged, capturing the hearts of a grieving community.
The couple, who had been in a relationship for six years, had built their lives in Hong Kong. Both Ricky, a bartender, and Bregita, a restaurant service staff member, were employed at The Ritz Carlton. Their social media accounts reflect a life filled with shared experiences and moments of joy, now poignant reminders of what has been lost.
Their Instagram profiles, now transformed into digital memorials, showcase their journey together, starting from Bregita's internship at The Ritz Carlton in 2021 and featuring snapshots of their exploration of Hong Kong. According to Bregita's LinkedIn profile, she had recently been promoted to a junior supervisor position, taking on increased responsibilities within the restaurant service team. Ricky, who began as a bartender intern in February of the previous year, had secured a contract as a bartender by December.
The couple's last Instagram post together in May captured their intimacy and shared aspirations during a visit to Tai Kwun, a moment of pure happiness. Now, their friends flood these memories with tributes and farewells, referring to Ricky and Bregita as the "Perfect couple" and expressing wishes for their peaceful rest.
The fire at New Lucky House required a significant emergency response. Within minutes of their arrival, the fire department elevated the situation to a No.3 alarm fire and deployed multiple aerial ladders to rescue trapped residents. By 8:54 am, the fire was contained, and by 10:30 am, it was largely under control. Approximately 50 individuals managed to evacuate themselves to safety, and around 250 were rescued from the building. Despite resuscitation efforts, five individuals succumbed to their injuries.
The tragic incident at New Lucky House has left a profound impact on the community. The loss of Ricky and Bregita, along with the other victims, serves as a somber reminder of the devastating consequences of fires and the importance of fire safety measures.