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Tropical Cyclone Expected to Hit Queensland, Australia on January 25

Writer's picture: AfriHKa AfriHKa

According to reports, a tropical cyclone is anticipated to make landfall in northeastern Queensland, Australia, on January 25, just before the Australia Day long weekend. The affected areas include tourist towns along the Great Barrier Reef and other locations along the Queensland coast.

Authorities have advised residents to prepare for the cyclone by stocking up on emergency supplies that can last at least three days. They have also urged people to avoid unnecessary travel during this time. The cyclone is expected to develop from a tropical low in the Coral Sea, approximately 700km off the Queensland coast, on the night of January 24, according to the weather bureau.

Laura Boekel, a forecaster at the Bureau of Meteorology, stated that stronger winds have already begun and are expected to impact the Queensland coast throughout the night. Storm warnings, covering a distance of around 900km, have been issued for tourist towns along the Great Barrier Reef, with destructive wind gusts of up to 120kmh predicted.

Although the weather system has been downgraded to a category 2 cyclone, it still possesses enough strength to bring heavy rainfall and pose a risk of life-threatening flash flooding. The region has recently experienced the effects of tropical Cyclone Jasper, which caused significant damage. Australia is currently facing the El Nino weather phenomenon, characterized by extreme weather events such as wildfires, tropical cyclones, and prolonged droughts.

The town of Townsville, with a population of approximately 180,000, is expected to be one of the most severely affected areas. The local airport will be closed starting from January 25, and public events scheduled for the Australia Day holiday on January 26 have been canceled. To address the situation, an additional 100 emergency personnel have been deployed in the state, as stated by Queensland Premier Steven Miles.

Miles has urged people to reconsider their travel plans during the extended national holiday weekend and make informed decisions based on the forecast. Given the anticipated heavy rainfall, it is crucial for Queenslanders to assess the necessity of travel in the affected areas from Thursday, January 25, and throughout the weekend.

熱帶氣旋預計將於 1 月 25 日襲擊澳洲昆士蘭州



氣象局的預報員Laura Boekel表示,更強的風已經開始,並預計將在整晚影響昆士蘭海岸。對於大堡礁沿岸的旅遊城鎮,已經發出了涵蓋約900公里範圍的風暴警報,預測會有最高達每小時120公里的破壞性陣風。


預計擁有約18萬人口的湯斯維爾鎮將是受影響最嚴重的地區之一。當地的機場將從1月25日起關閉,原定於1月26日澳大利亞國慶假日的公眾活動也已取消。昆士蘭州州長Steven Miles表示,已經派遣了額外的100名緊急救援人員應對這一情況。



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