A 58-year-old British man was discovered dead after a suspected trip and fall about six metres down a slope in a Hong Kong alleyway on Thursday.
A source familiar with the case reported by SCMP said there was a smell of alcohol perceived from the man, instigating the police to look into whether intoxication had caused the man's accident. It was added that the man was a British national and a Hong Kong ID card holder.
Police said that a passer-by called the emergency services after 7 am on Thursday when discovered the motionless man in the alleyway on Village Terrace in Happy Valley but the man was declared dead at the scene on arrival of emergency personnel.
The police spokesperson said that after their preliminary investigation, it was believed that the man lost his footing and fell [about six metres] down a slope.
The report from another source said the location of the incident was about 200 metres from the block of flats where the man resides.
Police said an autopsy would be carried out to determine the cause of his death.
週四,一名 58 歲英國男子涉嫌從香港一條小巷的斜坡上約六公尺處絆倒並墜落,被發現死亡。
據《南華早報》報道,一位熟悉該案的消息人士稱,該男子身上聞到了一股酒味,促使警方調查該男子是否因醉酒而導致事故。 補充說,該男子是英國公民,持有香港身分證。